Tilehurst Centre: Consultation 2007





Have you got your copy of the scheme?

( It’s a 6-sided A4 leaflet produced by RBC. You can pick one up from the foyer of Tilehurst  library - ask at the desk if you can’t spot it)


Have you thought about the four questions on the tear-out sheet inside? Yes they are difficult, but   be conscientious. These   plans change the face of Tilehurst. Fill it in and send the reply sheet back



BUT think carefully, what will you  say to the four questions on the tear off sheet inside  RBC’s  leaflet?  Here they are:

1.Do you support RBC’s proposals for a new integrated primary school, and new community hub, a new library and nursery, ON THE LAURELS SITE?

2.Do you agree with building houses on most of Downing Rd Field?

3.Do you agree with knocking down Park Lane Junior School so the land can be sold off for development?

4.Do you agree with converting some of the Downing Rd annexe to a neighbourhood Police Office?

If you are not sure about a question please

 say  NO – (RBC have left space on the form for your reasons)

otherwise RBC will say they have the OK to proceed

Remember you can get the 6-sided leaflet with the tear-off reply sheet from the library , civic office, phone 9390459 or

fill it in on-line www.reading.gov.uk/consultations/

Make sure you have sent in your reply sheet by 15 Feb.


RBC say the Rec is safe - do you believe them? It is not just about Blagrave Rec….  We borrow to pay for houses. RBC could borrow for our community buildings. Is it right to sell off our assets? Is the primary school in the right place?


Members of Tilehurst GLOBE produced this leaflet to help everyone think about the issues of this complicated scheme.

Everyone needs enough information to think for themselves. Why not look at www.tilehurst-globe.org.uk to see the questions Tilehurst Globe asked RBC and the answers they received? Please come to the Public Meeting organised by RBC  on

 31 Jan  7.00pm-9.00pm at Park Lane  School (Junior site).

Look to find out about different aspects of RBC’s proposals.