Tilehurst Globe's interest in Blundell's Copse is an ongoing affair together with Reading Borough Council and the parks department. Each year we present a plan of actions that should be undertaken to ensure that the copse is kept in a good, well maintained state. Blundells Action Plan is the plan that has been adopted during the Tilehurst Globe September 2009 meeting for the coming year.
Phase 1 funded by ETB and Phase 2 funded by Living Spaces are now complete. The path is standing up well and has been much improved by the copicing that has been undertaken by CROW. This provides lovely dappled shade and clearings that allow the light into the wood.
Read the latest copy of the Blundells Broadsheet to see what went on last summer.
You just have to go and see the difference if you haven't already.
For further information contact Judith Cullen, 27 Gratwicke Rd. Tilehurst or you can email us at TilehurstGlobe@hotmail.com