When you have filled in all the fields, press the Send button.
Your Name
Your Address
Your Email Address
Do you pass on our mailings to other people? Yes: No:
When we have sent you an A4 poster, did you display it? Yes: No:
Would you be able to help now by displaying posters? Yes: No:
Attend regular meetings? : Nearly Always Sometimes: Never:
Attend meetings with guest speaker? : Nearly Always Sometimes: Never:
Read or discuss minutes or news? : Nearly Always Sometimes: Never:
Do you join in with the clearup events eg RESCUE?: Nearly Always: Sometimes: Never:
Do you join in with the practical tasks eg Bluebells in Blundells Copse?: Nearly Always: Sometimes: Never:
Do you join our organised walks? : Nearly Always Sometimes: Never:
Do you visit our stalls at local shows? : Nearly Always Sometimes: Never:
Monthly letter: Monthly email: Noticeboard: Press: Other (please specify):
To ensure Independent Tilehurst Globe can continue, we propose to send as much information to people by e-mail as possible.
Do you have your own email address? Yes: No:
Would you be willing to trial receiving our mail by email? Yes: No:
Can we text you with reminders about Globe meetings? Yes: No:
If so, please type your mobile number
If you do not have internet access would you like training to help you look at the Tilehurst Globe website? Yes: No:
Do you have any other comments/views about Tilehurst Globe?
Depending on the email defaults set up on your PC, when you press the Send button, your default email programme may run up. If that happens you should then send the email.