Tilehurst Globe Group consists of people who are interested in improving their local surroundings. You may have ideas about what you want. You may even have ideas about how you want to achieve what you want. This group may be able to help you get things off the ground.
Look for posters advertising our next meeting and about upcoming events.
You can email us: TilehurstGlobe@hotmail.com
Send us an email if you would like to receive our monthly mailings.
You can phone us: Jenny 9425169 or Liz 9429843
You can write to us: Tilehurst Globe, 59 Armour Road, Tilehurst, Reading RG31 6HA
You are welcome to come to any of our meetings which are held in the Tilehurst Room at the back of Tilehurst Methodist Church in School Road (opposite the Coop) - on the third Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm (note - no meeting in August). Everyone is welcome.
You can send a comment to us using
our comments form
We look forward to hearing from you.