Every little bit you do helps - obviously. Here are some bits for you to read to help you on your way
Click here to read about recycling.
Click here to read about places you can recycle in Tilehurst.
Don't know what a blister pack is? You get some pills and these days you usually get them packed in a foil and plastic pack. and then you pop a pill out when you need to take one. What do you do with the empty packs when you have taken all the pills? Normally you would probably throw them in your waste bin? Well now you can do the decent thing and save them up and then when you have a few, take them to be recycled in Superdrug, in Broad Street. At the back of the shop, by the pharmacy there is a bag or box where they collect the empty blister packs and they send them away to be recycled.
The company that takes them separates the foil from the plastic, and then the plastic is reused in brick manufacture (fancy that!) and the foil is used along with foil collected from other products.
So if you take this on board and take your empty packs to Superdrug in Broad Street not only will you feel good but you will be doing everyone a favour since they won't be going to landfill any more.
Quite a few people turned up to help. Thank you to all of you who did. We cleared litter from many of the paths that run up from our meeting point. It was just wonderful using the litter picking as an excuse to meander through the woods where it was cool and calming under the trees. It turned out to be just such a lovely day.
Of course it has been a couple of years since the fete was last organized. So we were pleased to book a stall and get back to our ways. This year we were promoting Recycling and giving away leaflets and looking at old pictures and maps of Tilehurst.
We had enjoyed really summery weather with record temperatures for the previous few days. However, just our luck - the fete started at 11 o'clock - and at 11 o'clock so did the massive shower. So we needed to reorganise the stall just a bit to get things under cover. And then it got windy and a bit chilly too, and that blew our display boards around a bit so we needed to hang on to them.
We were honoured to be visited by the Mayor of Reading, who showed interest in our activities.
Come and help us clear the rubbish from Blundells Copse
Here is a map of Blundells. We will meet at location F at 10.30 on 10th April. It would be great if you come and help.
There is now a group called Keep Kentwood Green whose interest is to ensure that local people are updated with what is going on at the land at Kentwood Hill and Armour Hill. The KKG group now have a web site Keep Kentwood Green where you can find the latest news.On the KKG web site there is also an on-line petition you can sign if you want the current owners to withdraw this land from sale and to protect it from development in perpetuity.
If you look at the leaflet you will see a map of the area showing what is being put up for sale. The people handling the sale are Chaneys. Details of the sale can be found on their website. The leaflet is also asking you to help preserve this important local open space, so please take time to read it and respond.
So far the allotments are not being put up for sale. And likewise, so far nor is the recreation ground.
Yes, we put up the lights at the Triangle for you to enjoy over the festive season. And now we have taken them down and put them away for another year. We hope you enjoyed them.
Thank you Carol for arranging everything once again.
Here we are putting the lights up on the tree at the Triangle. Make sure you go along and have a look how pretty and festive they are now that they have been switched on.
From time to time opportunities may arise for more trees to be planted in Tilehurst. If you would like to see trees planted in your street then let Reading Tree Wardens know by going to their website
And use the “Contact” tab to give them your email, phone number and postal address. Reading Borough Council have a Tree Strategy that includes a target of planting 3,000 standard trees by 2030 so we think Tilehurst should benefit by receiving some of them, and we would like them to go where the residents will welcome them and keep an eye on them.
Also, residents in some streets have clubbed together to meet the cost of planting trees in their street, and have taken on responsibility for keep their trees watered for the first few years. Let the Tree Wardens know if this would interest you.
Click here to read our 2021 newsletter.
Click here to read a statement of our 2021 finances.
Click here to read our 2020 newsletter.
Since so many things have been cancelled, here is a quiz to cheer you up. Although it might not - but anyway we are not giving any prizes even if you know the answer! We would like to think that someone knows the answer.
Let's hope so. If not there may be a bit of trouble...
Here is a picture of the Oxford Road near Bates Hill. It shows a bus stop and some double yellow lines.It also shows a drawing of a cycle or two. What does it all mean?
Can anyone tell us?
The Council has published a Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for consultation.
The Affordable Housing SPD provides detailed guidance on how the Council will secure contributions towards affordable housing from new developments. It gives detail on meeting policies H3 (Affordable Housing) and H4 (Build to Rent Schemes) of the Reading Borough Local Plan, adopted in November 2019. It would replace an existing Affordable Housing SPD dating from 2013.
We welcome your views on the draft SPD. Please provide any comments by 5 pm on Friday 13th November 2020.
Comments should be made in writing, either by e-mail or post. Please e-mail responses to planningpolicy@reading.gov.uk. Responses by post should be sent to:
Planning Policy
Reading Borough Council
Civic Offices
Bridge Street
Your comments will be taken into account in producing a final version of the SPD, which will be adopted for use in determining planning applications.
At our June meeting we divided into four groups and each one debated where we would want to see more trees planted in Tilehurst. We posted stickers on to maps and made suggestions about the sort of trees we would like to see.
Tell us if you have any ideas about planting trees in Tilehurst to make it a nicer, greener and more pleasant place to live.