Don't know what a blister pack is? You get some pills and these days you usually get them packed in a foil and plastic pack. and then you pop a pill out when you need to take one. What do you do with the empty packs when you have taken all the pills? Normally you would probably throw them in your waste bin? Well now you can do the decent thing and save them up and then when you have a few, take them to be recycled in Superdrug, in Broad Street. At the back of the shop, by the pharmacy there is a bag or box where they collect the empty blister packs and they send them away to be recycled.
The company that takes them separates the foil from the plastic, and then the plastic is reused in brick manufacture (fancy that!) and the foil is used along with foil collected from other products.
So if you take this on board and take your empty packs to Superdrug in Broad Street not only will you feel good but you will be doing everyone a favour since they won't be going to landfill any more.
Setford solicitors in the Triangle have a bin for collecting food and non food items which get taken for distribution to the homeless and vulnerable in Reading. There are two lists of items that can be taken food items and non food items. Just go up the stairs and put any of these items you don't need into the bin. Someone will be grateful.
John Venning has updated his chart of the recycling sites that are in Tilehurst which shows what you can recycle at each one. He has also now added information about what you can take to the local charity shops.
Linda sent in some useful information including this really handy link to tell you what you can put in the collection bins that you see, typically, in supermarkets. Especially read the bit headed "What plastic film can I recycle". Go down the page a bit and when you get there click on Continue reading ...
At our February 2018 meeting but this time Oliver Burt from re3 came to tell us about the new plan for recycling in Reading and he kindly answered lots of questions. Rather than write about it all again read about it in the minutes which you can see here.
re3 also has an excellent website which gives lots of additional helpful information.
In addition to the website re3 have produced a handy leaflet to say what can and can't be recycled in your red bin.
The articles here were brought in for the January meeting. We will leave them here for a bit! They do provide food for thought and give tips about what you can do to produce less waste - thus avoiding the problem of recycling!
Reduce Plastic Waste
Week without Plastic