On Friday 24th February, the following article, written by Linda Fort, was published in the GetReading newspaper.
Click the article to enlarge it.
As you can see, the article tells the outcome of the investigation into the sites that had been earmarked by Reading Council for development, and in particular mentions the Inspector's recommendations for Downing Road Playing Field and Tilehurst Allotments. The process of the investigation is on Reading Borough Council web site.
However, at the bottom of the SDPDExamination document on the Reading Council website are two important documents that you should read to find out exactly what the Inspector recommended, as summarised in Linda Fort's article.
To make it easier, these two documents can also be viewed here.
The first document of note is the Report from the Inspector setting out his views on the Council's Local Development Framework together with his suggested changes and the correspondence that took place between the Inspector and the council officers. In particular he differentiates between Main changes and Minor changes. You will see that the requested change to the status of Downing Road Playing Field is that development on the playing field site (SA5) will be allowed only if it can be justified in terms of relevant national and local policy on open space. Also the Inspector recommends that the Tilehust Allotments site on Kentwood Hill (SA8a) should be deleted as a site suitable for development.
Both these changes are considered to be Main changes.
The Inspector also recommended that a consultation should take place regarding the his recommended changes for the Main Sites and that includes his decision regarding Downing Road Playing Field and the Tilehusrt Allotments. The consultation is now open and the consultation document is reproduced here
Your comments about the recommended changes should be sent to:
Planning LDF Team
Level 8
Civic Offices
or by email
or by phone
(0118) 937 3337
You will notice that your comments regarding the changes are to be received by 5pm on Tuesday 10th April 2012.
At the bottom of the first page of the consultation document you will see three links to other documents that may help your understanding of the changes. One of the links is to the Inspector's report and further correspondence. That link is at the top of this page. The other two links are also added here for clarity: one link is to the original draft document that was submitted by Reading Council in 2011 and subsequently examined by the Inspector for soundness. The original draft submission about Downing Road Playing Field is on page 89 and the Tilehurst Allotments Site is on page 95.
The other link is to the recommended Minor changes.
Tilehurst Globe has been involved in the future of these sites for some years and for background information we include some of the documentation here: