Some proposals have been put forward to improve traffic at the centre of Tilehurst to make going out and about more pleasant. Click here to read the report of the Globe meeting in December 2011. Following on from the December meeting we thought we should invite local people to tell us what they want in the way of any changes they would like to see implemented to improve things for everyone who uses the roads and pavements in Tilehurst Village Centre.
We have produced a form that you can easily fill in to tell us of any changes to traffic in Tilehurst Centre that you would like to see. Click here to run up the online form. When you have filled in what you want to say, press the Send button to send it on to Tilehurst Globe.
If you would prefer to put your views on paper, you can click here to run up the pdf version of the form; then you can print it out (2 pages) and fill it in with your views, then send it to Jenny Cottee, at 85 Westwood Road.
The library should also have paper copies of the form for you to pick up and fill in; again send your views to Jenny Cottee, at 85 Westwood Road or if it is easier fill it in while you are at the library and hand it to a librarian. We will then collect the completed forms from the library.
You could also just email us at
You may want to do some background reading about shared spaces and you need to look no further than Broad Street in Reading to see about different possibilities for pedestrian precincts.