This project was conceived and initiated by a Tilehurst Globe member; the project was to improve the spaces in the centre of Tilehurst on the corner of Corwen Road and School Road. It was intended to make a safe community garden to be enjoyed by everyone. There was also the intention that the garden would provide a focus for public arts, education projects and community activities.
A small and enthuastic committee was set up to get the project off the ground. This was initially at a slow pace due to the fact that the chosen site is actually owned by five landlords and consent was needed from all five. However, they gave their consent and support for the project and it began to get under way, with general approval both from the community in general and by the council; funding was being sought and a general enthusiasm for the project was growing. It was then learned that the site chosen for the community garden has been earmarked for the relocation of Park Lane Junior school.
It must be said that when those concerned with the project learned of the school relocation proposals, the news was received as a fairly devastating blow to their efforts.
After some consideration, many of the people associated with the project decided that it had a great deal of merit and would have been a very worthy addition to the community of Tilehurst village. Also, it should be possible for the project might be incorporated into any major plans for the site.
This project is now sadly on hold pending the results of the school relocation plans. The following pages show an overview of the project plans, before they were put on hold.