Lots of people came to help clear up the rubbish strewn around central Tilehurst and Blundells Copse.
As you can see from the picture, loads of rubbish was collected. So thanks to everyone who came and helped. Although it is always sad to have to say this - since obviously we would prefer it if people didn't chuck rubbish about without thinking of the consequences.
Reading is about to introduce a new Local plan. Obviously your comments and views should be given. Included in the plan are ideas about what will happen to land at Armour Hill and Kentwood Hill. Keep in touch to find out the council's proposals. The group called Keep Kentwood Green exist to ensure that local people are updated with what is going on at the land at Kentwood Hill and Armour Hill. The KKG group have a web site Keep Kentwood Green and a Facebook page where you can find the latest news.
If you look at the leaflet you will see a map of the area. The leaflet is also asking you to help preserve this important local open space, so please take time to read it and respond.
So far the allotments are not being put up for sale. And likewise, so far nor is the recreation ground.
Yes, we put up the lights at the Triangle for you to enjoy over the festive season. Make sure you go along and have a look how pretty and festive they are now that they have been switched on.We hope you enjoy them.
Thank you Carol for arranging everything once again.
As you may have seen - the Hardware shop (C and G's) has closed. Such a shame - they have served Tilehurst so well over many years and we will miss them. We wish them well in their retirement (if they ever do!) and thank them for all their hard work over the years.