GLOBE stands for Go Local on a Better Environment.
Globe groups were set up across Reading in 1994 as part of Reading Borough Council's response to the Rio summit, where world leaders met to discuss global environment issues.
The Tilehurst Globe group takes action on a wide range of local environmental issues. These include the cleanliness and safety of Tilehurst's streets and open spaces and support for allotment holders.
One such project is a guide to exploring Tilehurst's woodlands and parks. The web site for this guide is
We have also been working on a project to collect local people's memories and recollections of Tilehurst when they were growing up. We have produced a small booklet called Memories of Tilehurst and we have also put together a website
Reading Borough Council announced that as from April 2007 they would no longer provide the same level of support and partnership for the Reading Globe groups. They have given us a small grant, and we now continue as an independent group. We are are proud of our achievements and are committed to continuing to work with the people of Tilehurst to provide a forum for their views and undertake projects for the benefit of everyone.
We continue to 'work to develop a community vision for Tilehurst', and to 'go local on a better environment'. We want to communicate with as many local residents and businesses as possible. So if you want to information about what we do, please take a little time to fill in the questionnaire to help us plan our future.
We have received fantastic support from local businesses. Many have become sponsors (see panel on left) and have pledged to help us. We are immensely grateful to them. If you are a local business and wish to help us, don't hold back!