Pat Ager and Jane Blake planted the water trough with flowers and bulbs so that we can enjoy a continuous display of flowers at the entrance to Tilehurst. Throughout the summer there was the display of red, white and blue flowers to add to the celebrations for the Olympics and the Diamond Jubilee. And now it was time to replenish the trough with spring flowers and bulbs.
On 13th October, volunteers, including scouts and guides, came to help us plant more daffodils at the Triangle.We were incredibly lucky with the weather.
The event was planned to go from 10am to 12am.We started in bright sunshine and had packed up most of the tools by 12am. The rain started at 12.01pm so most of the volunteers beat a retreat, leaving a few of us to get really wet.
However, we got two big new areas planted out with daffodils, which should bring some additional sunshine to spring at the Triangle.
Thanks to everyone who helped.
This year we had two main themes.
The first was about local woodlands. We wanted to enlighten people about the plans for repairing the damage to the path at Blundells Copse. This will be a lengthy process and will involve Reading Borough Council in various schemes in order to get a better path - which at the moment is quite worn and waterlogged in places.
We also handed out copies of the new leaflet we have produced about Lousehill Copse. We were not surprised to find that many local people are unaware of the lovely woodlands we have in Tilehurst. The new leaflet will hopefully encourage people to use the woods for local walks. If you missed getting one at the fete the local library has a stack of them by the entrance; help yourself to them - they are free. You can also see what they are like on this site. Click here.
We also ran our free quiz. This year the quiz was about traffic. We were lucky enough to have Simon Beasley, of Reading Highways, on the stall with us to answer people's concerns regarding traffic, in particular local traffic. We had previously invited Simon to speak at one of our monthly meetings to inform us of the possibilies for improvement. For some weeks, we then surveyed people's views about local traffic and parking and these views were forwarded to Simon. Simon Beasley lives in Tilehurst so can relate to our views. The quiz emphasized some of the problems that we have in Tilehurst and was a bit of fun for everyone.
Many thanks to all the people who came and helped us tidy Tilehurst! And a big thank you also to the many sponsors who supported us for the 2012 event.
The weather was good and an excellent number of people came out to help tidy up. We will produce a report about the event in time, but briefly we cleared the central Tilehurst area on Saturday morning, Blundells Copse on Saturday afternoon (many thanks to all the children from Teviot Road who came and helped and also to the guides for their stirling efforts). On Sunday morning we were in McIlroys and Sunday afternoon we cleared Gypsy Lane.
In short, we thought there was less litter and dumping that in previous years, but we still managed to fill a large number of big bags of general litter. We also found lots and lots of cans and plastic bottles (which will have been sent to be recycled) and quite a lot of heavy litter.
Again this year Reading Council did not provide us with skips and the dustcarts worked for shorter hours in an effort to cut down on the expense of the Rescue event, which is laudible, and despite our fears about how it would work, on the whole we managed ok.
On 18th February, lots of volunteers, including scouts and guides, came to help us plant more snowdrops at the Triangle.
The rain threatened, but as usual our luck held out and it only rained once we had packed up and gone home - so the snowdrops were nicely watered in!
The Mayor of Reading, Cllr Debbie Edwards, came to dedicate the new Wellingtonia which was planted to commemorate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee; this she did with great gusto!.
Not only that, she helped us plant some of the 2500 snowdrops.
And she launched the Tilehurst Globe appeal for funds to enable Christmas lights to be installed at the Triangle.
A busy day, but a job well done. Thanks to everyone who came and helped and especially the Mayor for her good humoured presence.
On Friday 10th February 2012, as part of the makeover at the Triangle it was planned that globe volunteers would help Reading Council Tree Warden Scheme to plant three trees - a Wellingtonia, and Olympic Flame Sorbus and a Sweet Chestnut.
Our main concern was that the ground was so frozen that we would not be able to dig the earth! However, it transpired that the ice was only a few inches (5cms) deep and that we easily lifted to top soil and dug holes deep enough to allow the trees to be planted.
The Wellingtonia went in first:
In the meantime Kevin and the lads were back to the delight of many - they carved a wonderful chair out of the remaining bit of trunk of the felled Horse Chestnut tree. What chain saw skill! What an artist! What entertainment!
It sort of made up for the fact that the horse chestnut had to be felled.
A job well done lads!
We dug the holes for the other two trees, while Kevin and his lads gave the existing Sorbus a haircut!
Then, with a fanfare and great ceremony we were delighted that Zac Purchase, Olympic Gold Medal rower, came along to plant the appropriately named Olympic Flame Sorbus. The children and Mums and Dads turned out to see him and he delighted us.
Not only that he got the tree well dug in!
Thank you for coming to Tilehurst Triangle, Zac. We hope next time you come you have got another Gold Medal!
If you want to know more about the
projects we are involved in contact us.